Oleksandra Shypilova (nickname PIKIDRILS) is an illustrator and artist from the city of Mariupol, Ukraine
Lived in Poland from 2014 till 2019.
She was educated in history of art in the Polish city of Katowice. Since 2019 she has lived in Kyiv. She had 2 personal performances in the city of Khmelnytsky (2018) and in her hometown of Mariupol (2019), the organizer of the second performance became an art platform “TU”. In 2021 (May, August) in Lviv she took part in exibition as part of the craftbeer & vinyl festival, curated by Yulia Stepanok.
Born19xxCityMariupolCatalogUART 2022Date of signingMarch, 2022
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Source of inspiration
Her works are the fruit of dreams, impressions of people and places, and even specific life events. Bright colors are what unite her works.
Series of works entitled “Pets and their people” was created in period of 2017-2018 years. Artworks combine bright colors, fashion and ease of life.
Color Paper, acrylic and permanent marker 4 works each 80×60