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Illustrator. Graduated from the Odessa Architectural and Art Institute with a degree in graphic artist. Worked at the Odesa Fine ArtsMuseum for several years, is currently an illustrator at the Odesa Green Theater, draws posters. Also illustrates books with the most famous publishing houses in Ukraine, decorates shops, draws illustrations for local and foreign media, etc.

Born1996CityOdesaCatalogUART 2022Date of signingMarch, 2022

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    Before and after

    In ordinary life I was an illustrator and designer in Odesa Green Theater, drew  posters. Also I illustrated books with leading Ukrainian publishing houses, drew illustrations for local and foreign media, and was interested in ceramics. Before the war I lived in Odesa.

    I have now been forced to move to Chisinau with my younger sister. Every day is similar to the previous one, we rarely go out. We think every day about to return home and so for more than a month. My acquaintance gave us refuge, here is a large apartment and we have our own beautiful separate room in the greenest area of ​​the city. I am currently selling my image files for printing and sending 50% for the needs of friends-volunteers.

    “Morning of February 24, 2022” 
     Comics is documenting a personal episode of life at the beginning of the war

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