«Kyiv. City» - UART Gallery
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Price: $1550

Kyiv. The capital of independent Ukraine. A city that attracts with its possibilities. It resembles a wild predator: if you tame it, it will become a friend; if you succumb to fear, it will become an enemy.

On the canvas “Kyiv. City” Ukrainian artist Denys Metelin depicted a sizeable architectural structure, and the unruly height reaching the sky can make you afraid and retreat from your goals. Eclipsing the fluidity of the clouds, it threateningly blocks our way with its red color. But light air clouds still find a place to be able to go further in the real clear sky. The blue sky in the background suggests to the viewer that there will always be a reward after difficulties.

Aspiration and work have their results. And the statue is called “Labour,” depicted at the top of the traveled path as proof that everything is possible. The star of hope, which obediently belongs to the owner, gives faith and inspiration for future achievements. After all, such a star is in everyone’s hands, and it’s time to feel it.

Denys Metelin
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The young Ukrainian artist Denis Metelin is interesting for his multifaceted creativity. His vivid paintings are full of daring and compromising plots. Metelin’s art is almost always a challenge and provocation, mystery and hints, allegory and grotesque. As a separate flow, the artist Metelin creates paintings with architectural elements of Ukrainian cities, exploring building aesthetics in his style.

Denys Metelin — «Kyiv. City»
Acrylic on canvas, oil
90x90 cm

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