«Kyiv. Blue» - UART Gallery
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Price: $720

What was the first thing you felt when you looked into the depths of this symbolic work? Peace or anxiety? Surprise or commonplace? Or all at once?

The viewer can notice an ordinary Kyiv district, completely calm, and sometimes an annoying flow of life occurs. Does the picture repeat the everyday life of the capital, which continues its movement, despite internal events and circumstances? Or the moderate regular rhythm of life, which once seemed tiring, is so desirable nowadays?

Our attention is drawn to the “Flying Saucer” building. Its image is a vivid example of artist Denys Metelin’s interest in researching the diverse architecture of Ukrainian cities.

The left part of the canvas is not detailed enough, as it is sometimes used by Metelin. Perhaps, this emptiness should not be filled as well. Probably, this is a symbol of the unknown future, which asks each of us: “And what will happen next?”.

Ukrainian artist Denys Metelin’s paintings are available for viewing and purchase exclusively at UART GALLERY with delivery throughout Ukraine and abroad. To order or buy artwork, please fill out the form.

Denys Metelin
You can order or purchase artwork of Denys Metelin by leaving your request on the artwork page.

The young Ukrainian artist Denis Metelin is interesting for his multifaceted creativity. His vivid paintings are full of daring and compromising plots. Metelin’s art is almost always a challenge and provocation, mystery and hints, allegory and grotesque. As a separate flow, the artist Metelin creates paintings with architectural elements of Ukrainian cities, exploring building aesthetics in his style.

Denys Metelin — «Kyiv. Blue»
Acrylic on canvas, spray
60x60 cm

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